Are you up to the task? Take the Plastic Free Challenge: 

I pledge to avoid single-use plastic, to reuse or recycle the plastic that I do use, to educate others about plastic waste, and to take Citizen Muscle actions to make plastic a thing of the past.
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    Pledge to make plastic a thing of the past!

    The world has a plastic problem. We make, use, and throw away million of tons of it every year, causing big problems for people and the planet. To create a future without plastic pollution, we need to take action to get disposable plastic out of our lives and out of our communities.

    Feeling up to the task? Take the Plastic Free Challenge for a month of Citizen Muscle actions to combat plastic pollution. 

    Each week for the next month, we'll send you an email with tips and challenges to get disposable plastic out of your life and out of your community. You’ll get suggestions for avoiding plastic waste in your daily life, ideas to reduce plastic in your community at large, and Citizen Muscle action opportunities to fight plastic pollution globally.