Tell Ralph Lauren:

“Don't use materials that are sourced by clearcutting endangered forests. The world's forests should be protected for the public good!
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    Ralph Lauren is sacrificing the future of endangered forests for profit.

    The fashion industry has a dirty secret – forests across the world are being destroyed to create the fabrics we wear every day. Unless popular brands like Ralph Lauren agree to stop profiting off of deforested lands, then the people and animals who depend on them will continue to pay a heavy price.

    Ralph Lauren uses fabrics like rayon and viscose that are made by clear cutting forests to make way for monocrop tree plantations. Trees from these plantations are processed with tons of toxins to create what is known as dissolving pulp, a white fluffy material that gets spun into threads and woven into cloth.

    The forests these fabrics come from – in Indonesia, Canada, Brazil and beyond – are home to critically endangered species, provide livelihoods for indigenous communities, and are a key part of our defense against climate change.

    We’re joining our friends at the Rainforest Action Network and Students United Against Sweatshops to demand that one of the world’s most popular brands, Ralph Lauren, join the fight to protect the planet’s forests.

    In our Story, companies should prioritize protecting endangered forests above selling us Stuff we don’t need. Well-made, sustainable clothing shouldn’t just be the stuff of history. Tell Ralph Lauren to take deforestation out of its supply chain today!