Raise Your Voice to Say, "We Stand for a Strong EPA"

Did you know that more than 60 percent of Americans would like to see the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's powers preserved or strengthened? But the White House and Congress are taking environmental protection in the opposite direction, threatening to derail efforts to protect our environment.

The EPA is important because it…

  • Protects and monitors the water quality in lakes, rivers and streams;
  • Upholds drinking water standards for public water systems that serve most Americans;
  • Monitors and reduces air pollution, the cause of 6.5 million deaths around the world every year.

At the Story of Stuff Project, we rely on the EPA every day, from our work to reduce plastic pollution to efforts to defend public water from privatization.1 It’s time for the Story of Stuff Community to raise our voices loud and clear to say, “We stand for an EPA that protects our air, our water, and our climate!

Will you raise your voice with us to support a strong EPA? Sign the petition today!


1. Learn more about the EPA's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) required to renew Nestlé's permit to operate in the San Bernardino National Forest. 

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