Over the last two years, the Story of Stuff Community has provided more than $50,000 in small grants to grassroots, community-led groups around the United States and Canada--supported by donors like you. This fund supports organizations like t.e.j.a.s., one of the community groups featured in this video:

Our goal this year is to make at least $50,000 in grants in 2019 alone, but our funding for the program is only half way there. 

Our campaigns to end plastic pollution, protect public water, and more have brought us into contact with grassroots organizations fighting the good fight on the front lines. We make films like the one above highlighting these heroes' work, provide them with strategic advice and legal support, and ask you to apply pressure on the water privatizers and plastic peddlers in solidarity with them.

From fighting for access to clean water in Flint, Michigan to monitoring the chemicals released by the plastic manufacturer Formosa into Calhoun County, Texas waterways, our grassroots partners are standing up to protect our planet. With our national and global leaders failing to meet the challenges we face, now is the time to double down on what works. Our future may very well depend on it.

Help us raise $25,000 by making a contribution to our grassroots grants program today. Thank you!

Learn more about our grassroots grants program.


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    The Story of Stuff Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with EIN #46-4334785. This donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law in the United States.