Walmart: Clean Energy Friend or Fraud?
“Walmart Doubles Down on Solar Energy Plans,” reported a recent Wall Street Journal article. It sounds great, but is it true? While Walmart has been promoting a new “clean energy image” to sell its Stuff, recent evidence shows that the world’s largest retailer still isn’t as clean or green as it wants people to believe.
Nearly a decade ago Walmart’s top executives pledged to shift the company to 100 percent renewable power. However, Walmart has fallen far short of that pledge. Today a whopping 97 percent of the company’s electricity comes from coal or other dirty energy sources. As if that’s not bad enough, a new report has found that Walmart’s Owners contribute large amounts of money to political efforts that are actively working to undermine a clean energy future around the world
Walmart has been working to associate itself with solar panels because it knows that more and more citizens worldwide want to support environmentally-friendly companies. Since Walmart launched its “environmental campaign,” however, its greenhouse gas emissions have actually grown 14%. Its time to reverse that trend, and stand up to Walmart's cynical marketing strategy. If people around the world show that they want to see real clean energy results, then Walmart will feel the pressure to act.
Grist: Walmart is a huge consumer of dirty coal energy, November 21, 2014
Clean Technica: Walmart Owners Investing Millions Into Anti-Solar Activities, October 15, 2014