Stop Plastic Microfiber Pollution!

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      Californians often lead the way when it comes to environmental laws, which is why we're asking you to take action TODAY to solve plastic microfiber pollution.

      Recently, we helped introduce first-in-the-nation legislation in California to address plastic microfiber pollution. AB 2379, the Microfiber Pollution Policy, requires clothing companies to attach a garment label informing consumers that laundering synthetic clothing in washing machines causes plastic fibers to shed.

      This bill is an important first step towards solving the plastic pollution caused by microfibers. By forcing manufacturers to own up to the pollution their products cause, we're raising the stakes for them to find a lasting solution. And by passing this bill in California, we'll be launching a scalable solution that can be spread to other states or countries.

      The first step for this bill is a vote in the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources. This committee vote on April 9 is a must-pass, meaning that if the bill fails to gain the committee's support, it is dead until the next legislative term.

      You can help by calling the legislators listed above, identifying their position on the bill, and encouraging them to support it. Click to contact a member of the Committee on Natural Resources. We'll give you their phone number and a call script. Then, you can report back on how the call went and the assemblymember's position.

      New to Microfibers? Watch The Story of Microfibers: